Dear all,
wishing you a very Happy New Year 2018. Thank you for being our value customer. We are glad to inform you that our new product, N5 has officially launched in Malaysia and has been awarded as winner of Malaysia Health & Wellness Brands Awards 2017 for Awards Presentation & Gala Dinner at January 12, 2018.
Malaysia Health & Wellness Brand Awards is judged from the aspects safe, effective and reliable. The Panel of Judges from Supporting Organisation are Ministry Of Health Malaysian, Malaysia Pharmaceutical Society, Nutrition Society Of Malaysia, Malaysia Chinese Medical Association, Malaysia Wellness Society & Branding Association Malaysia.
We actively communicate with our customers as way to practice the principles of Health, Love & Service.
祝大家2018年快乐! 感谢您成为Nuga Best的一份子。
我们非常荣幸地通知大家, Nuga Best新产品-N5已正式在大马"上架", 并在2018年1月12日获得颁发2017大马最佳保健品牌奖。此奖项以安全性, 有效性及可靠性为主, 并获得大马卫生部认可。此外, 也获得大马营养学会, 大马药剂学会, 大马中医学会, 国家癌症中心 及 大马健康学会的评审团一致通过,才能获得此荣誉。
我们遵守"爱心, 健康, 奉献" 的承诺, 以让 Nuga Best的顾客更放心及安心地使用 Nuga Best!